The Hard Truth: Delta 8 Sales Needed to Work Through a Million Lbs of Oversupply

PX Quantifies Oversupply


The Hard Truth: Delta 8 Sales Needed to Work Through a Million Lbs of Oversupply

EIN Presswire

The March edition of the PanXchange®: Hemp Benchmarks and Analysis was released today and is accessible to subscribers on the PanXchange website. In addition to its usual suite of 12 benchmark prices covering the cannabinoid market, fiber, and hemp grain, the report discusses shocking follow-up numbers to our December report that discussed 2020 supply, demand, and deal flow in depth.

Today, the PanXchange team has found that over millions of pounds of oversupply have accrued since the 2019 crop and has left the hemp industry itching for a way out. PanXchange took apart the data to learn exactly how many kilograms of Delta 8 products would need to be sold to get rid of this oversupply. Unlock your exclusive content by subscribing here!

Julie Lerner, PanXchange’s CEO and Founder, explains, “It’s not the news that people want to hear, but it’s important to quantify the amount of oversupply in cannabinoids and how long it will take us to work through it. I’m proud of the PanXchange team for providing the industry with the most accurate benchmarks and timely fundamental analysis.”