U.S. Hemp Harvest Expected to Fall by Nearly Half


U.S. Hemp Harvest Expected to Fall by Nearly Half

The 2022 hemp harvest in the U.S. is expected to shrink by nearly half this year, falling from roughly 36,925 acres in 2021 to about 20,000 acres.

HempToday October, 10, 2022

The 2022 hemp harvest in the U.S. is expected to shrink by nearly half this year, falling from roughly 36,925 acres in 2021 to about 20,000 acres as all outputs are in decline, according to government figures and projections from Denver-based analyst PanXchange.

PanXchange projects the 2022 flower harvest at 6,400-6,800 acres, expects the fiber harvest will range from just 8,200-9,100 acres, and estimates grain will be brought in from as few as 4,800 to 5,000 acres this year. That would mean roughly a 46% drop in harvested acres in 2022 based on comparative figures in the first-ever hemp crop report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) carried out for the 2021 harvest season.