In the Permian, FOB Kermit 40/70m and FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m frac sand prices continue their remain stable, increasing by $0.05 and $0.15 per ton respectively. Meanwhile, FOB Kermit 100m prices also remained stable, remaining within $0.05 per ton of last week’s prices.
In the Permian, FOB Kermit 40/70m and FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m frac sand prices have bounced back this week, increasing by $0.05 and $0.25 per ton respectively. Meanwhile, FOB Kermit 100m prices remained stable, remaining within $0.05 per ton of last week’s prices.
The National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) will start buying maize at a set price of KES 2,500 per 90 kg bag this week as the government plans to release the estimated KES 18 billion owed to the body.
Sand prices to continue to exhibit low but stable pricing as, despite optimistic news regarding a coronavirus vaccine, crude oil markets are still fundamentally oversupplied. The oversupply has largely been driven by jet fuel and kerosene products due to continued limitations on transport and travel. This has translated to low but stable drilling and completions activity exhibited by trends in rig and frac spread counts.
This time last year, the PX team took every opportunity to tease me whenever I used the expression “the tail wagging the dog.” I was referring to the pie-in-the-sky forecasts for the US addressable market for CBD. Specifically, it disturbed me that these multi-billion dollar forecasts were based on retail shelf prices. It’s as illogical as quoting the US wheat market in terms of bags of flour at the supermarket. Estimating in this way grossly distorts the market fundamentals, especially considering that with regard to cannabinoids, a little bit of hemp goes a very long way.
Sand prices to continue to exhibit low but stable pricing as, despite optimistic news regarding a coronavirus vaccine, crude oil markets are still fundamentally oversupplied. The oversupply has largely been driven by jet fuel and kerosene products due to continued limitations on transport and travel. This has translated to low but stable drilling and completions activity exhibited by trends in rig and frac spread counts.
The Kenya and UK governments have formally signed a trade agreement that will see Kenyan exporters of agricultural products including flowers and fresh vegetables continue to access the UK market under a duty-free, quota-free arrangement similar to the arrangement that has been in place with the UK’s membership of the European Union.
Sand prices to continue to exhibit low but stable pricing as, despite optimistic news regarding a coronavirus vaccine, crude oil markets are still fundamentally oversupplied. The oversupply has largely been driven by jet fuel and kerosene products due to continued limitations on transport and travel. This has translated to low but stable drilling and completions activity exhibited by trends in rig and frac spread counts.
Sand prices to continue to exhibit low but stable pricing as, despite optimistic news regarding a coronavirus vaccine, crude oil markets are still fundamentally oversupplied, largely driven by jet fuel and kerosene products due to continued limitations on transport and travel. This has translated to low but stable drilling and completions activity exhibited by trends in rig and frac spread counts.
Operators in Turkana, Mandera, Samburu, Isiolo, Marsabit and Wajir counties have seen the availability of maize flour significantly reduce by 83% due to the invasion of locusts on the farmlands. The supply of beans has also taken a large hit with estimates at 80% according to a survey by the Kenya Cash Consortium (KCC) in partnership with Oxfam and Concern Worldwide as reported in the Business Daily.