In the Northern White market, 100m prices rose by 1%, 40/70m prices rose by 4%, and 30/50m prices rose by 2%. This suggests that renewed annual budgets are continuing to have a positive impact on demand for both Northern White and local sand.
In the Northern White market, 100m prices rose by 4% and 30/50m prices rose by 3% while 40/70m prices remained relatively flat. This suggests that renewed annual budgets are continuing to have a positive impact on demand.
In the Northern White market, 100m prices fell by 3% to an all-time low this week, while 40/70 and 30/50m prices remained relatively flat. Northern White 100m has shown potential for significant weekly price decreases with no clear indication of bottoming out.
In the Northern White market, prices fell by approximately 1% this week across all mesh sizes (100m, 40/70m and 30/50m) to historical lows.
In the Northern White market, prices fell by approximately 1% this week across all mesh sizes (100m, 40/70m and 30/50m) to historical lows.
In the Northern White market, 100m prices fell by 2% this week while 40/70m fell by 1% in contrast with last week’s price increases.
In the Permian, FOB Kermit 100m rose by 1.0%, local 40/70m rose by 0.5% and FOB NW Odessa 40/70m prices remained relatively flat. We expect demand to pick up as E&Ps gear up for next year’s drilling inventory.
In the Northern White market, 100m rose by by 3% this week while 40/70m rose by 0.5%. Given that Northern White 40/70 has seen the most significant quarterly price drop at over 16%, perhaps this could be a sign of fundamental price support.
In the Northern White market, 100m fell by 2% this week while 40/70m rose by 2%. Given that Northern White 40/70 has seen the most significant quarterly price drop at over 16%, perhaps this could be the start of a market correction or even a sign of fundamental price support.
In the Northern White market, 100m fell by 0.5% this week while 40/70m fell by 2.5%. Northern White 40/70 has seen the most significant quarterly price drop at over 16%, suggesting that it is struggling to compete with regional supply due to its crush strength and quality relative to cost.
In both the Northern White and Permian market, prices continue to push downward to new lows each week across the board. While the domestic story for frac sand remains “more of the same” with respect to the supply glut, there is a lot of movement internationally…