PanXchange® Sand: Benchmarks & Analysis 11.11.2019

According to S&P Global, Midland (Permian) oil differentials moved from an $8 discount in Jan ’19 to a $1 premium in October ’19 relative to Cushing (WTI) as a result of key midstream pipeline infrastructure projects taking substantial oil volumes from the Permian to the Gulf Coast, namely Grey Oak (online in 2020), EPIC, and Cactus II. This could be driving the trend in increased completions of DUC wells, as local prices improve and the logistical transition is made by truckers to haul sand instead of oil, providing temporary relief for in-basin sand prices on the demand side. However, will global macro-economics cap Permian oil prices at or near par with WTI and if so, could sand prices be projected to drop even further?