PanXchange® Hemp: Benchmarks & Analysis – Jul 2020

Pricing information is collected via the PanXchange trading platform and surveys of thoroughly vetted market participants- growers, processors, trade houses and end users.  No brokers, industry analysts or association representatives are eligible to participate. The data is then analyzed using our proprietary methodology and follows the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) guidelines. Please reach out to the PanXchange hemp team by email at or by phone at (877) 917-9658 for any questions or comments.

Africa Newsletter 07-24-20

Market Values

Kenyan animal feed producers have seen a decline in the yellow maize price as imports have seen prices in Nairobi quoted at KES 2,700 per 90kg bag compared to KES 3,200 per 90kg in June as suppliers that have been holding onto their stocks start releasing in order to avoid competing with more of the expected imported grain.

Africa Newsletter 07-17-20

Price Map

Kenyan millers and traders will continue to import maize over the next two months as the demand for the grain remains. Kenya currently consumes 4.2million 90 kg bags per month and the current price in Nairobi between KES 2,800 and KES 3,100 per 90 kg bag has bought pressure onto the market.

PanXchange® Sand: Benchmarks & Analysis 06.29.2020

Frac Sand Newsletter Featured Image

Permian frac sand prices continue to hold steady this week, with FOB Kermit 100m and 40/70m prices rising by $0.15 and $1.00 per ton each this week. The market for FOB Kermit 40/70m has tightened this week, with a slightly greater pickup in demand than expected relative to current production levels. This is evidenced by the widened 100m-40/70m spread at Kermit. FOB Odessa Northern White sand prices remained flat again this week, suggesting continued limited demand for Northern White products in the Permian.