Kenyan wheat farmers have been demanding better prices from millers due to the high cost of production and that KES 3,500 per 90kg bag would allow them to just break-even as millers in the country are paying KES 3,250 per 90kg bag as reported by Business Daily.
Permian frac sand prices continue to hold steady this week, with both FOB Kermit 100m and FOB Kermit 40/70m prices remaining within a $0.05 per ton bandwidth since last week. FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m sand prices rose by $0.10 ton this week, compared to $0.15 per ton last week, suggesting its pickup in demand is losing steam.
Kenya plans to spend over KES 100 million on upgrading selected warehouses that will be used under the new Warehouse Receipting System (WRS) as the country prepares to launch a national commodities exchange.
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Permian frac sand prices continue to hold steady this week, with FOB Kermit 100m prices falling by $0.05 since last week and 40/70m prices rising by $0.05 per ton since last week. FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m sand prices rose by $0.15 ton this week, suggesting a slow but steady pickup in frac sand demand over the past few weeks.
Maize Price Fall Sees Lower Price For Maize Flour
The price of maize in Kenya has seen a fall to KES 2,800 per 90 kg bag following on from the start of the harvest in the South Rift area as this has been the first time prices have been indicated below the KES 3,000 per 90 kg mark for most of the year.
Permian frac sand prices continue to hold steady this week, with FOB Kermit 100m prices the same as last week and 40/70m prices rising by $0.05 per ton. FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m sand prices rose by $0.20 ton this week, suggesting a slow but steady pickup in frac sand demand over the past few weeks.
Kenyan millers failed to take advantage of the lower import duty that was issued by the government in order to manage the maize shortages in the country and to allow maize flour prices to remain stable for the consumer.
Permian frac sand prices continue to hold steady this week, with FOB Kermit 100m prices the same as last week and 40/70m prices rising by $0.10 per ton. FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m sand prices rose by almost $0.35 ton this week, suggesting a slow but steady pickup in frac sand demand over the past few weeks.
Kenya’s maize imports in the second quarter of 2020 have mainly been supported by Tanzania and Uganda as Kenya’s demand for the the grain continued even during the lockdown period whereas the total maize traded in the region fell due to the restrictions and closures of many businesses and public institutions.