Pricing information is collected via the PanXchange trading platform and surveys of thoroughly vetted market participants- growers, processors, trade houses and end users. No brokers, industry analysts or association representatives are eligible to participate. The data is then analyzed using our proprietary methodology and follows the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) guidelines. Please reach out to the PanXchange hemp team by email at or by phone at (877) 917-9658 for any questions or comments.
Sand prices to continue to exhibit low but stable pricing as, despite optimistic news regarding a coronavirus vaccine, crude oil markets are still fundamentally oversupplied, largely driven by jet fuel and kerosene products due to continued limitations on transport and travel.
Permian frac sand prices have fallen again this week, with FOB Kermit 100m and 40/70m prices falling by $0.50 and $0.70 per ton respectively. FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m sand prices also fell by $0.40 this week. The decrease in Permian frac sand prices comes despite an increase in US frac spread count and rig count over the past week. Sand prices to continue to exhibit low but stable pricing as despite optimistic news regarding a coronavirus vaccine, crude oil markets are still seeing approximately 2.3 million barrels per day of oversupply, largely driven by jet fuel and kerosene products due to hampered transport and travel.
As Brexit is slated for the end of this year, EAC members will have up to five years to join the new UK-Kenya Trade Agreement that is due to be signed. The agreement will give Kenya access to the UK market with products such as tea, coffee, vegetables, and flowers while the UK will target the Kenya market for vehicles and pharmaceuticals that could be worth over $1 billion as reported in The Kenyan Wall Street publication.
Permian frac sand prices have fallen this week, with FOB Kermit 100m and 40/70m prices falling by $0.75 and $0.90 per ton respectively. FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m sand prices also fell by $0.70 this week. The decrease in Permian frac sand prices comes amid a decrease in US frac spread count over the past week.
Permian frac sand prices have held steady this week, with FOB Kermit 100m and 40/70m prices rising by $0.40 per ton respectively. Frac sand prices have been responsive to the increased demand to drill and complete wells to offset production declines in the Permian, despite a low oil price environment. In the Permian’s most active areas, we continue to hear of spot prices reaching $13 and $17 per ton for 100m and 40/70m. As well, with higher product demand, trucking and transport efficiency is increased, leading to higher profits for players proximal to more active regions. FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m sand prices also rose by $0.40 this week which parallels an increase in demand for Northern White 40/70m product at the mine gate.
As the issue of aflatoxins in the region continues, Kenya will likely see less grain coming into the country from Uganda as tougher requirements will be implemented over the next couple of months.
Pricing information is collected via the PanXchange trading platform and surveys of thoroughly vetted market participants- growers, processors, trade houses and end users. No brokers, industry analysts or association representatives are eligible to participate. The data is then analyzed using our proprietary methodology and follows the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) guidelines. Please reach out to the PanXchange hemp team by email at or by phone at (877) 917-9658 for any questions or comments.
Permian frac sand prices have gained momentum this week, with FOB Kermit 100m prices rising by $0.80 per ton and FOB Kermit 40/70m prices up by $1.10 per ton. The recent uptick in frac sand price has largely been attributed to increased demand to drill and complete wells to offset production declines in the Permian. However, this trend may be short-lived amid demand concerns for crude oil due to the potential resurgence of COVID-19 and the overarching effects on domestic and global markets. That said, in the Permian’s most active areas, we continue to hear of spot prices reaching $13 and $17 per ton for 100m and 40/70m. As well, with higher product demand, trucking and transport efficiency is increased, leading to higher profits for players proximal to more active regions. FOB Odessa Northern White 40/70m sand prices rose by $1.00 this week which parallels an increase in demand for Northern White 40/70m product at the mine gate.
Permian frac sand prices continue to hold steady this week, with FOB Kermit 100m and 40/70m prices rising by $0.25 and $0.50 per ton each this week. The market for FOB Kermit 40/70m remains tight this week, with a slightly greater pickup in demand than expected relative to current production levels. This is evidenced by the widening of the 100m-40/70m spread at Kermit. FOB Odessa Northern White sand prices remained flat again this week, suggesting continued limited demand for Northern White products in the Permian.