Virtually every physical commodity market (even specialty markets such as industrial hemp and specialty sand for the energy industry) is currently experiencing a significant oversupply scenario.
We talk with RJ Hopp, Director of Hemp Markets about the hemp market fluctuations, declining hemp licenses, and the outlook in industrial hemp futures.
Financial and commodity markets, regardless of the industry, have changed due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
The team at PanXchange wanted to shed some perspective on how calamitous of a downturn this has been for the US OFS and frac sand markets.
These rulings continue, despite a federal decision to de-schedule hemp as a controlled substance and forty-seven individual states adopting some sort of hemp production legislation.
The “tried and true” way to assess the performance of an oil well is to compute the total cost per barrel of oil produced once the very last barrel has been recovered.
As part of our evolving coverage of all aspects of the cannabis business, John Lothian News is passing on information and insights about industrial hemp to our readers on a monthly basis.
2020 is a year that no one saw coming, such is the case throughout the projected hemp industry, PanXchange is working to change that.
Below are some recent talking points on both the demand and supply side for crude oil markets to think about as well as a short commentary on supplementary markets such as oilfield services and frac sand supply and logistics markets.
Ms. Julie Lerner, Chief Executive Officer, PanXchange, participated in the commodity industry panel during the JPMCC’s 3rd Annual International Commodities Symposium, which was held at the University of Colorado Denver Business School in August 2019.