It is with deep remorse to announce that PanXchange is closing its doors. In PanXchange’s history, our addressable market was always restricted to the cash (spot) market in physical commodities. Carbon is different, where the entirety of the market must trade online. It was here that we were poised for tremendous growth, with a solid pipeline of projects to develop and partnerships with other project developers to bring their credits to the PX platform. Unfortunately, due to no fault of PanXchange, the 7-figure balance from our funder was not secured.
US Industrial Hemp Fiber: Processor Capacity and Margins

Executive Summary:
- High-level US Market Overview
- US Supply and Demand Figures
- Current US Hemp Processor Production, Capacity and Timelines
- Anticipated Future Trends Next 5-7 Years
- National Competitive Landscape Including Price Comparison with Incumbent Materials.
- Fiber Hemp Outputs with Up-to-the-Minute Pricing
27 pp. from PanXchange
Cost: $850
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Bundle Cost: $2,500
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PanXchange® hemp benchmark prices are the leading price provider as our price submitter network comprises ONLY our vetted growers, processors, trade houses, and end-users (no brokers, no analysts, or industry reps).
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