2021 Industry Report: Animal Feed

Executive Summary:
Most assume that FDA approval is the only issue why hemp is not incorporated into production animal feedstocks. In this report, we talk about hemp as a protein source v.s. a supplement and the economies of scale that corn and soy enjoy that hemp has to beat. Set to be published in mid-October. The report discusses hemp grains (whole, hulls, dehulled, and meal/cake), True Hemp (baled, dehydrated, silage), and hempseed oil. It covers hemp price and productivity (yield) competitiveness versus the incumbent feedstocks such as corn, soy alfalfa, and grass hay. Additionally, the report illustrates hemp’s exceptional nutritional properties with regard to protein, fiber, energy, and even Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Finally, PanXchange addresses the opportunity for hemp not only in traditional livestock and poultry markets but also in markets ranging from aquaculture to equine feedstock.
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